2022 PAINTINGS/2022年绘画作品


This year, I concentrated on using multidisciplinary textiles-based approach to increase Self-Awareness and healing in minor mental health.


       <I need a space> 1.2m*3m;  canvas, watercolor, charcoal, oil stick, acrylic;  2022

I can't sleep with fights reverberating in my mind, maybe I need more space in this relationship. I saw the red and black color around the house, dancing to loud music, the color sticking to my limbs. I forget who I am, why I am here, I didn’t feel safe at this moment.


                                                                       <I need a space>; 1.2m*3m;帆布、水彩、木炭、油画棒、丙烯等;2022


<home> 1.2m*2m; Oil on canvas, acrylic, glue, wool, wood; 2022

Where is home? Who has owned this item? Walking through the streets of London, there always seems to be a lot of items that are abandoned, household items everywhere, can't help but pick up a few balls of red wool yarn, discarded dresses, shoes, hats... What is its relationship to me? What is the relationship with the previous owner? I like to think of who will own it or who has owned it when I come into contact with different items? Every item that is sorted and put in the garbage can doesn't seem to be garbage, except of course for food waste, which I have no way of making, nature will have other decomposers to eat it, so in this way I am an element of the decomposition of garbage, and the source of the production of more garbage... I don't know... there are too many unanswered questions in this world...

                                                                                     <home> 1.2米*2米; 布面油画、丙烯、胶水、羊毛、木头等; 2022


<body> 1.2m*4.3m*0.2m; Masks, plastic bottles, wool, old clothes, plastic tubes, canvases, markers, etc.; 2022

 I feel safer when I collect tons of trash, hand knit various materials and feel the healing effects of different touches on my emotions, is this a collecting addiction? I don't think so, I guess it's a way to feel the emotions between objects and people by collecting discarded trash in a completely foreign country. The discarded masks were saved by myself in six months, they were all sterilized, as if the epidemic hadn't left any traces here, as if all the people wearing masks on the street were Asian faces, and people were looking at me differently, I don't know what I'm talking about, I wrote this text in the second year after I created this work, I only remember that there are many changes of emotions and people and things in this work...


                                                             <body>; 1.2米*4.3米*0.2米;材料:面具、塑料瓶、羊毛、旧衣服、塑料管、画布、口罩等;2022年

当我收集大量垃圾,手工编织各种材料,感受不同触感对情绪的治疗作用时,我感到更安全,这是收集癖好吗? 我想不是,估计是在一个完全陌生的国度里通过收集废弃垃圾来感受物品与人之间的情感吧。废弃口罩是我自己半年内攒下的,都消毒过了,好像疫情没有在这留下什么痕迹,好像大街上戴口罩的都是亚洲面孔,大家投来不一样的眼光,我不知道在说什么,这段文字是创作这件作品的第二年写下的,只记得这件作品里有很多情绪的变化,人事物的变化...

<light>,1.5m*0.6m*0.3m; waste yarn, toys, plastic tubes; 2022

I moved to a new home and collected an expensive table lamp from a second hand group, according to the original owner it was some aka brand, for me the lamp didn't have much of a connection to me, so it was covered with discarded wool and hand knitted toys, each item on the lamp came from a different place and country, after the initial completion the lamp was head heavy making it impossible to place it in a balanced position, just like my life at the moment. It didn't seem to have much relevance to life either, it was modified several times during its use, a pocket was woven into the bottom to hold a bottle of paint, the pocket could be turned in different directions, it was placed in different people's homes when it left London, and finally appeared in a basement in one of the busiest parts of London...



  <homeless> 1.8m*1.8m*0.3m; plastic hose, wool, leaves, twigs, plastic bottles, orange peels; 2022

When I collect a lot of garbage and hand-weave various materials in the streets and alleys, I can feel the different touch of different materials has an emotional healing effect, so I feel safer, and maybe this is the reason why I keep on making it with my hands. When the work is finished, the installation will be placed in different streets in London to collect reactions to the installation from different people coming and going. Perhaps this was near Christmas when everyone thought I had made a garbage Christmas tree, the compliments outweighed the dislikes, my neighbors were disgusted by this as the size of the piece was too big to fit in their homes, resulting in the neighbors having to walk past it every day, haha, and in the end the huge piece was used to decorate a charity store window the following Christmas Eve, and now, presumably, it's in an incinerator or in the home of one of the LGBT person's home...

                                                                      <homeless>; 1.8米*1.8米*0.3米;材料:塑料软管、羊毛、树叶、树枝、塑料瓶、橘子皮等;2022年


<Angel>,1.52m*1.22m; Acrylic, fabric, rice glue, plastic, wool;2022

 I met a lady in the middle of something I was working on, she asked me a bunch of times if I knew so and so, I said no because I can never remember names or numbers, she left and I forgot about her. A month before she left here, she was sitting downstairs drinking coffee, I thought she looked familiar, she said let's go to a concert, then she took me to mind my own business, what I thought was minding my own business was going to fight, my mind was trying to figure out how to look imposing, but it turned out that she was going to pick up a delivery for a friend... I don't know what I'm talking about, except that her appearance was the biggest surprise besides the seagulls by the window, because there were so many similarities, and she had endless conversations, skipping all the process of getting to know each other and bonding from day one to become family. What does all this have to do with this painting? It has a lot to do with it, just for me of course, she was a believer in God, she gave me a bunch of clothes, one of the silk lace shirts is on this painting, purple was her favorite color, an abstract womb, yellow was an egg in her womb, her son, yes it was yellow, the two of them depended on each other but were independent of each other, each one was an individual. White, or maybe it's colorful white, never pure white, because in my eyes she has the whole world but inside there is a different kind of purity...

<Angel>,1.52米*1.22米; 材料:丙烯酸、布料、米胶、塑料、羊毛; 2022



<the box>1.5m*2.1m; Canvas, Acrylic, Ink, Oil Stick; 2022

I saw that the children were asked by the teacher to color within the prescribed pattern and not to paint the colors out of the edges, so the children did their best to color in the grid... Why can't you paint out of the grid? Why sky bust be bule? Will we live in a fixed box when we grow up? What is a box? What is myself? Who am I? How to step out of the box?

                                                                                                   <the box>1.5 米*2.1 米; 帆布、丙烯、水墨、油画棒; 2022

我看到老师要求孩子们在规定的图案内涂色,不能把颜色涂出边框,于是孩子们尽力在格子里涂色...... 为什么不能涂出格子?为什么天空是半圆形的?我们长大后会住在固定的盒子里吗?什么是盒子?我是什么?我是谁?如何走出盒子?


This moment will never be repeated, writing diary in an artistic way is something I have always insisted on, writing repeatedly on the canvas every day: "There is a brown seagull in front of the window, at this moment I want to eat fried rice noodles, today I had an in-depth exchange, my throat hurts, etc. ...... "I wish more people lived in the moment", in fact, every record seems to be insignificant, after a while look back at my day I ate a meal of fried rice noodles, drank a glass of water, picked up a person, a falling leaf on me... Such memories are kinda marvelous.


这一刻再也不会重来,用艺术的方式写日记是我一直坚持的,每天在画布上反复书写: "窗前有一只棕色的海鸥,此时此刻我想吃炒米粉,今天我进行了一次深入的交流,我的喉咙很疼,等等...... "希望更多的人活在当下",其实每一个记录都看似微乎其微,过了一段时间后回看自己那一天吃了一顿炒米粉,喝了一杯水,捡了一个人,一片落叶在我身上...这种回忆还挺奇妙的。

< I > 1.2m*3m;plastic board, canvas, oil stick, rice glue, ink, charcoal;2022

The fast-paced life of everything makes more and more people suffer from mental illness or even lose themselves. In order for a family member suffering from mental illness not to forget who he is, we constantly teach him to write his name, which is given to each person at birth. In China, names are related to destiny, and each Chinese character corresponds to a different element in the universe. Find out who I am in the constant process of writing my name. Why am I here? What is the meaning of my presence in the universe?

                                                                                   < I > 1.2米*3米;塑料板、画布、油画棒、米胶、墨水、木炭等;2022


<The Universe> 4m*6m ;calico, Acrylic, canvas, wool;2022

hand-sewing giant calico fabrics in a public park, naturally attracting crowds to participate. The restriction is "write Chinese" or "Chinese name," so even if the majority of the participants have an English background or don't know Chinese at all, they are free to imagine what they think is Chinese, even if it is a drawing or not Chinese at all. What are they names in Chinese? Why? Because this is how Hieroglyphic evolved from pictorial characters. So, what appears to be a restrictive condition is actually liberating; anyone can make up words or their own name, demonstrating how self-consciousness can be expressed within simple constraints.

                                                                                               <The Universe> 4米*6米;花布、丙烯酸、帆布、羊毛;2022年

在伦敦圣詹姆斯公园里现场手工缝制巨型白布,自然地吸引了众人的参与。限制条件是 "写中文 "或 "中文名字",因此,即使大多数参与者有英语背景或完全不懂中文,他们也可以自由想象他们认为是中文的东西,哪怕是图画或根本不是中文。他们的中文名字是什么?为什么?因为象形文字就是这样从象形字演变而来的。因此,看似限制的条件实际上是一种解放;任何人都可以编造文字或自己的名字,这表明自我意识可以在简单的限制条件下得到表达。其实在过程中更多的是文化交流,输出中国汉字文化的同时收获不同的文化观点...

< I >;1m*4m, canvas, ink;2022

The fast-paced life of everything makes more and more people suffer from mental illness or even lose themselves. In order for a family member suffering from mental illness not to forget who he is, we constantly teach him to write his name, which is given to each person at birth. In China, names are related to destiny, and each Chinese character corresponds to a different element in the universe. Find out who I am in the constant process of writing my name. Why am I here? What is the meaning of my presence in the universe?

                                                                                                                < I >;1米*4米,帆布,水墨;2022

在伦敦圣詹姆斯公园里现场手工缝制巨型白布,自然地吸引了众人的参与。限制条件是 "写中文 "或 "中文名字",因此,即使大多数参与者有英语背景或完全不懂中文,他们也可以自由想象他们认为是中文的东西,哪怕是图画或根本不是中文。他们的中文名字是什么?为什么?因为象形文字就是这样从象形字演变而来的。因此,看似限制的条件实际上是一种解放;任何人都可以编造文字或自己的名字,这表明自我意识可以在简单的限制条件下得到表达。其实在过程中更多的是文化交流,输出中国汉字文化的同时收获不同的文化观点...

<I/Me> adjustable size; calico, link; 2022

This soft sculpture is created using handwritten calico. Exploring the inner world through names is the main objective. The idea came from a mentally ill family member who was encouraged to repeatedly write his name to avoid him forgetting who he is. Everyone has a name at birth and it is connected to the universe, identity, personality, and future. Chinese name-splitting and writing with a brush and ink are similar to meditation, leading to the development of your world and raising self-awareness. 赵ZHAO is my family name, 寅YIN means tiger (2022) and advancing, and 希XI means admiration and hope. The structure of the separate name is very interesting: 土 means ground 止 means hold 走 means go or leave X means NO;宀 means home or shelter 田 means ground or farm 八 means the number 8 in luck; X again stands for NO, 布 means textiles and clothes 巾 "means towel or fabric. Repeatedly writing names in the process of meditation and finding myself, knowing who I am from the names.


这件软雕塑作品采用纯手写白布制作而成。主要目的是通过名字探索内心世界,这个想法来自一位患有精神病的家庭成员,我们的家人鼓励他反复书写自己的名字和家人的名字,以免他忘记自己是谁。这给了我很大的启发,我总是在生活中的很多阶段中迷失自我,又通过艺术创作的方式来治愈自己。书写名字的方式似乎可以给每一个人适用,因为每个人出生时都有一个名字,它与宇宙、身份、个性和未来息息相关。中国的姓名拆分和笔墨书写类似于冥想,可以引导人们开发自己的世界,提高自我意识。赵是我的姓氏,寅表示虎(2022 年)和前进,希表示仰慕和希望。 在冥想过程中反复书写名字,从名字中找到自己,知道自己是谁。

<I feel black>, 1.22m*1.5m;carbon Rods;2022

It gets dark around 4pm in London in the winter, it's a bit chilly this rainy season, inside I feel the world is dark and so are my strokes, I sit by the window and see Sesame, the seagull that visits every day, it seems to light up my life like a beam of light, it brings me flowers, little shells, it's my best buddy, and of course I've never imagined that my best friend is a wild seagull.

                                                                                                       <I feel black>, 1.22米*1.5米;碳棒;2022


<safe>1.4m*0.75m;oil painting stick, canvas;2022

                          The first painting when I went into the new apartment, there was nothing to say but felt relieved that I no longer had to live on the street.

                                                                                               《safe》;1.4米*0.75米;油画棒,帆布, canvas;2022



It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, I took a roll of canvas to Victoria St. James Gardens, opened the canvas to record on the lawn, most of the people attracted were children, they were very happy to write on the canvas the Chinese names they were taught, and everything was so beautiful as they transformed from writing to drawing.



<the universe>  90cm*65cm  ;Acrylic, gouache, ink;2022

What is the universe? There is a sensation of leaping, fragmentation, and adhesion throughout the entire composition, with an unmistakable decentralized character. once thought to be non-linear and ambiguous, such works are understood to be irregular and epileptic when wild. in contrast, regular and frank works exhibit obsessive psychological traits while being influenced by enormous cultural symbols. the whole is unstructured and skips the art historical narrative.

                                                                                                        <the universe> 90cm*65cm ;丙烯、水粉、墨;2022


<the universe>  90cm*65cm   

   Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  90cm*65cm   

   Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  90cm*65cm   

   Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  90cm*65cm   

   Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  120cm*92cm  

Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  90cm*65cm   

   Acrylic, gouache, ink


<the universe>  90cm*65cm;  Acrylic, gouache, ink;  2022

White acrylic paint lay in my hand, mixed with black ink to write my name, sprinkled with a little yellow and red meal juice, as if it looked a little disgusting, and left it outside the window to dry, my seagull friend stepped curiously on the canvas, I knew it would come, having become accustomed to its curiosity about any of the items on my window sill, and after five minutes, a storm raged outside the window, and the rain washed away a little of the heavy The rain washed away a little of the heavy paint, and with a little earthy aroma, the piece was perhaps complete. I like the feeling that I am not the only author, and that nature and animals have given this work more meaning.

<the universe>  90cm*65cm; 丙烯,胶水,墨汁;  2022

白色的丙烯颜料在手边躺着,混合了黑色墨汁写自己的名字,撒了一点黄色和红色的饭菜汁,好像看起来有点恶心,放在窗外晾干的时候,我的海鸥朋友好奇的在画布上踩来踩去,我就知道它一定会来,已经习惯它对我窗台上的任何一个物品的好奇,过了五分钟,窗外狂风暴雨,雨水把厚重的颜料冲洗了少许,带一点泥土的芳香,这幅作品或许就是完整了吧。 喜欢这样的感觉,我并不是唯一的作者,大自然和动物赋予了这个作品更多的意义。

<Queen>  120cm*92cm;Acrylic, gouache, ink;2022

Today, the Queen passed away, I was walking around Buckingham Palace at the time, bustling crowds of people around me all wearing raincoats, major media and TV stations around the flower beds, the sky was drizzling from time to time, people were discussing or waiting for something, some were praying for the Queen, some were laughing, some were taking pictures. Unconsciously more and more people, suddenly the sky was raining heavily, a double rainbow appeared in a flash, people were amazed at what an amazing natural landscape. I don't know why I felt a layer of goosebumps on my body and suddenly wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I turned around and went to the supermarket under my house, and saw the old grandpa with the Chinese word "love" tattooed on his neck, which I liked. Suddenly, I got the news on my cell phone that the Queen had passed away...I shared the news with him, and he was incredulous, repeatedly confirming it to me, rubbing his head with both hands and repeating God! God! I went home and painted this piece, maybe this is what she looks like and colors in my heart.

<皇后> 120厘米*92厘米;丙烯、水粉、墨水;2022

今天,女王去世了,当时我正走在白金汉宫,周围熙熙攘攘的人群都穿着雨衣,各大媒体和电视台围绕在花坛周围,天空不时的在下着小雨,人们都在讨论或者等待着什么,有人为女王祈祷,有的人在笑,有的人在拍照。不知不觉人越来越多,突然天空下起了大雨,一瞬间出现了双彩虹,人们都惊叹到多么神奇的自然景观。不知道为什么我感受到身上一层一层的鸡皮疙瘩,突然想尽快离开这里。转身去了家楼下 的超市,看见了那个我喜欢的脖子上纹有中文“爱”的老爷爷,突然手机收到新闻,女王去世了...我和他分享了这个新闻,他不可思议的反复向我确认,双手不停地摸着头,嘴里重复着上帝啊!上帝啊!我回到家画了这幅作品,也许这就是她在我心里的样子和颜色吧。

<London eye>1.5m*1.5m

pastels, acrylics, oil pastels, colored pencils.


<London eye>1.5m*1.5m; pastels, acrylics, oil pastels, colored pencils.; 2022





pastels, acrylics, oil pastels



pastels, acrylics, oil pastels, colored pencils


1.5m*1.88m;pastels, acrylics, oil pastels, colored pencils;2022

After the rain, the window is especially beautiful, looking out to see the most famous London Eye and Westminster Abbey, often wondering why on earth I am here, why I can live in such a beautiful place, full of love and energy everywhere.

